FREE integration with any module
We have already integrated more than 500+ modules and can integrate any module for free.
Our integration team is working continuously to add as much as applications and integrations for a smooth and easy use of Lync. If your favorite application is not listed here, contact us and we will add it for you.
Single Sign on
This integration allows single-click login to the listed applications.


Think Central

Holt McDougal Online


McGrawHill Education

Office 365

Canvas LMS


IRead Arabic

RAZ Kids

Rain Forest


Brain POP

Typing Agent


Google Classroom


One Drive
User Sync
These integrations import users or syncs users from your user management system or student management system (ERP)
Default integrations support Active Directory, Microsoft Azure Active Directory, Google Classroom, and CSV.
In addition to that, we will do a custom integration with any ERP system (with the support of the vendor) that your organization is using.